TETChange took an active part in the international forum Blockchain Life 2020, which was held on October 21-22 in Moscow in full-time format – given the difficulties associated with COVID-19, all precautions were taken, and over 3000 participants were able to attend the event. The work on the forum for the exchange was intense and productive, according to representatives of TETChange.
Blockchain Life has traditionally collected the cream of the blockchain industry on its platform – opinion leaders, businessmen, investors and startups from all over Russia. This year, there were significantly fewer foreign guests and participants than usual due to the closed borders due to the pandemic. As usual, the main agenda of the forum was the discussion of the present and future of the cryptoindustry – news, trends, legislative initiatives.
Lively interest was aroused by the hot topic of today – the development of DeFi-technologies within the section “All About DeFi – Decentralized Finance”. Industry experts shared perspectives and new motivational models for DeFi, talked about trends in this area, and how they believed DeFi to avoid the fate of infamous ICOs. The speakers of the section paid special attention to ways of earning money for users and developers of decentralized finance applications.